I once dreamt of being a crow.
Later I learned I was not in the realm of dreams.
So I thought, what to do now?
Simple: Start absurd streams of themes, schemes and screams.
!! This site is still work in progress, and will be used to host content held dear to the crows and all their madness !!
To navigate the website, find the sidebar on your left. This sidebar contains all available pages (and god damn there are many!). On mobile this sidebar can be navigated by pressing the blue icon on the bottom left corner.
- The Crow (prooh), The "I"-person on this site writing up everything. I'm vague but supposedly a vibe: thecrow at cahcaw .nl.
- Crow (rowo), my partner in crime who has made all of this possible. Different composture of vague and vibiness but not too different. rowo at cahcaw .nl
- The Dragon, scaly site administrator who likes BBQ. Big thanks for helping me set up everything: thedragon at cahcaw .nl
- Dazetwo, the "crow artist" of Heerlen. Imagine being paid by the government to paint crows on walls. Big thanks for designing the logo of this site. Instagram
- Crow (Aw-cakaja), friend of mine who I pay starbucks in order to create logos. Mainly the icons used on the map.
- Peanut, friend of mine who is an art student who loves using crow-themery to do their homework & spread their message at the same time.